Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Illustrations on Display: Fall Art Show(s)

In the lobby of a new school, on the walls of a large bank, and next in the showcase of a new library, 26 of my small illustrations are on public display. "EVERYONE READS" is the title of this small art show that features characters I've invented, all reading. The Viking is reading from Runes, the Vocalist is reading sheet music, the Doctor is reading a patient's chart. I enjoy the comments, especially from children, made about these whimsical characters and the accompanying prose that identifies each. But more significant than any of that is the pleasure and joy I had while drawing and creating these fun characters. I may, or may not, revise/edit the text(s) that go with each and then submit for a children's book. But before doing so, I plan to have these images transferred to fabric. My wife quilts wonderfully, and we've thought it might be fun to have a "Reading Quilt" from Papa and Nana for the grandkids. Be Well. Do Good.


Roger said...

Thanks for sharing the great pictures! That's cool that you have such a large display to showcase your work.

Keep Drawing!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this. I must admit, my favorite part (being a fledgling quilter) was the idea of making a "Reading Quilt" for your grandkids. If you do this, I'd love to see it!

Sharon Meyer

Rita & Jerry M, said...

I really enjoy your blog! I am in awe of your diverse talents. Thank you for your work with kids in school who would probably not otherwise have the encouragement you give. Jerry