Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Conservation Conference

Participating in a Conservation and Ecology  based learning experience has  been most rewarding. In 1969, Malcolm Forbes bought 185,000 acres of mostly mountain land in south central Colorado, nearly extending to the New Mexico state boarder.  When the State of Colorado would not allow him to use this land for a wildlife refuge, he subdivided 57,000 acres into individual 5-acre plots.  He built a rustic lodge on the property for small conferences and meetings.  He died in 1990.  His children opted to sale the ranch, which they did for $175 million to a conservationist in New York City.  The Forbes children built a small cathedral chapel wherein the ashes of Mr. Forbes are mixed with mortar and remain in the walls thereof.  They took their father's extensive art collection, much of it Seafaring themed.  The new owner renovated the lodge, changing it to a Zane Grey like Western theme.  I'm staying in the renovation area.  This is more like a vacation than a series of classes. I'm extremely fond of this Trinchera Ranch.  Nightly, I have exclusive use to a very nice wood paneled room with fine leather furniture and soft lamp lighting.  Doors are not locked, day nor night, and screened doors allow cool summer night winds to refresh and relax.  The food here is wonderful and plentiful.  I appreciate not only all I am learning, but the way I'm treated here.  It's very, very nice. My roommate, a guy about my age also nearing retirement often used the word "awesome" to refer to his amazing personal and extended families. I hope to long remember how unique his extended family is, pretty amazing. But what I also hope to remember from him is another line: "My job is to play. My job is to be happy. And don't you forget it."
Be Well.  Do Good.


Roger said...

That's cool. I'll have to look it up to see how close it is. Hope you can share your notes!

Genia said...

Great photos, Chuck! I was there two years ago and knew that you would enjoy the resort! So glad that you are enjoying the conference! xoxo